Once a student's common assessment has been submitted, they can't work on it any more. Learn how to let them try again or make up the assessment.
Unlock the assessment (entire class)
You will unlock the assessment if you want to reopen it for every student in your class. This will allow students to continue working from where they left off. .
Reset the assessment (individual student or students)
You will reset the student's assignment, and then can either choose "Continue where they left off" or "Restart from scratch" when prompted.
Before you unlock or reset the assignment, make sure that the due date is in the future.
If the due date has passed, students may not be able to continue working, because quizzes and exams usually can't be done late.
If you're not sure how to adjust a student's due date, learn more below:
How do I adjust due dates for individual students? | Derivita Support Center
Watch the video below to learn how to unlock or reset an assignment: