How do I print a Student Report?

Learn to generate a report that shows how a student did on an assessment.

Derivita lets you print a summary of a student's results on any assignment or assessment, which is perfect for sending home to parents.

You can print the report for a single student or easily print one for everyone in your class.

Print a report for one student

  1. Open the assessment in your LMS (Canvas, Schoology, Google Classroom, or so on)
  2. In the top right, click Students
  3. Click the student's name
  4. In the top right, click the three dots and choose Print Student Report

Print reports for all the students in your course

  1. Open the assessment in your LMS (Canvas, Schoology, Google Classroom, or so on)
  2. In the top right, click Students
  3. In the top right, click the three dots and choose Print Classroom Report.

Printing tip:

When making reports for an entire class, tell your printer to print single-sided, so each student's report will be on a separate sheet.

Print reports for one class period

Some schools are able to filter by class period. If that applies to you, you'll see a dropdown that says "All Periods" when you look at Derivita's list of students.

If you choose a period before clicking "Print Classroom Report", it'll print only those students.

Formatting Options

If the questions on the assessment are tagged with state standards or depth of knowledge levels, you'll have a few options for displaying that information:

Optional bar charts You can choose to include charts showing the student's results, broken down by average score per standards domain or per DOK level.
Group by standard or question Choose whether to show a row in the table for each standard that was assessed, or for every question.

Not all questions are labeled with this info, so if these options aren't available, no problem; you'll still be able to print a summary of the student's score on each question.