How do I create multiple choice questions?

Learn to use the simple editor to make multiple choice questions that you can add to any assignment.

You can create your own multiple choice questions in Derivita using the Simplified Question Editor right from within Assignment Assembly. These questions can then be added to any assignment and/or used for SpotChecks. 

The tutorial video below shows how to use the Simplified Question Editor to write your multiple choice question and add the multiple choice options (including math expressions, text formatting, and even images!) You then select the correct answer choice (or multiple correct answers) and choose whether you want those options to be shuffled for your students or not. 

The question will be auto-graded and you can even add an explanation or feedback. You also have the ability to embed images, links, and YouTube videos to both the question prompt as well as the worked solution. Learn more on how to do this here:

Select the "Multiple Choice" Input Type in the Answer Section

To create a multiple choice question, first scroll down to the Answer Section and select "Multiple Choice" from the dropdown in the Input Type. 


You will then see that by default, four answer options will appear. These will also show up in the Question Prompt Section above. You can remove any of the options or add additional options.

Add the Multiple Choice Answer Options to the Answer Section

In the Answer Section, highlight "Option 1" and replace the text with your first answer option. You can replace it with text, a math expression, or an image. Use the toolbar at the top of the screen to format your text/math expression or to insert the image. Continue to do this for each answer option.


Correct Answer(s) and the Shuffle Option

Once you have added in each of the answer options, select the correct answer by checking the box next to it. If you have more that one correct answer, you can select multiple options (be sure to mention in the answer prompt that students should choose all correct answers). You can then also choose to shuffle the answer options by toggling on "Shuffle".


Optional - Add Explanation/Feedback, Depth of Knowledge Level, and Notes

You have the option to add an explanation/feedback to the question and can choose to include images, videos, and links. Your students will see this once they have exhausted all attempts on the problem. 

You also have the option to add the Depth of Knowledge Level and notes to your question. 

Save your Question and Add to any Assignment

Once you have finished creating your question, make sure to click "Save" in the upper right hand corner. 


You will then be taken directly to your "My Questions" book where the question has been saved. The question will automatically be selected so you can use it in an assignment or quickly save it to do a SpotCheck with your students.