Frequently asked questions about when Derivita sends grades to your LMS gradebook
Why doesn't this student's grade appear in the gradebook?
It's most likely that they just haven't submitted the assignment yet. You can either:
- Have them click "Send Grade" or "Submit" at the end of the assignment, or
- Submit it on their behalf
If they have submitted it, but they don't yet have a grade, it may be waiting for the teacher to grade it. Please score all the hand-graded questions, then click "Send to Gradebook".
Why does this student have a 0 on this assignment, even though they didn't work on it?
If they ever opened the assignment, they'll get a grade for it when the due date passes, the time limit is reached, or a teacher makes certain changes, like disabling a question or syncing grades manually.
How do I give 0s to students that didn't complete an assignment?
Derivita can only give a grade to a student if they've opened the assignment, so we recommend using your LMS to add 0s for missing assignments.
For example, if you use Canvas, you can use "Set Default Grade", as explained below:
Set Default Grade | Instructure Community
Can I manually enter a grade in the LMS gradebook for a Derivita assignment?
Doing so won't cause any problems, though Derivita may overwrite the grade you give, if the student continues to work on the assignment.
For that reason, we recommend adjusting scores directly within Derivita.
Should I sync grades manually?
You don't need to. Doing so will probably make some grades appear in the gradebook sooner, which might surprise some students by showing them low grades for assignments that they're still working on.