How to use Google Translate with Derivita

Learn how to let students translate Derivita into other languages with a Chrome extension.

Derivita and its public content are only available in English, but a lot of teachers have had success with the Google Translate extension for Chrome.

Follow these steps to get your students started:

Set up the Google Translate extension


First, add the Google Translate extension to Chrome on the student's computer:

Google Translate - Chrome Web Store

Students may not be allowed to add an extension to their school computers. If that's the case, you can ask your IT department to add it for them.

Set options

  1. Open the extension options page:
    Steps for opening the extension options page: First, click the extensions icon in Chrome. Then, click "More options" next to "Google Translate". Finally, click "Options".
  2. Then, choose the student's language and select Immediately display popup:
    The Google Translate extension options page. A language has been chosen, and the option "Immediately display popup" is selected.

Use the extension to translate

Once you've done the steps above, anything the student highlights will be translated. They can also click the speaker icon to hear the selected text read aloud:

A Derivita assignment, as seen by a student. The text "Welcome to Derivita" is highlighted, and a popup shows the Spanish translation: "Bienvenidos a Derivita". In the popup, the "Read Aloud" buttons are circled.